cardiovascular research institute basel
Leiter Prof. Christian Müller Spitalstrasse 2 CH-4056 Basel Schweiz
© Prof. Christian Müller 2024
Study News
Heart Failure USB: Prediction and Progression Project description: By retrospectively analyzing routinely collected data of patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome and/or acute heart failure in the years 2015- 2023 at the University Hospital Basel, the project aims to identify risk factors that may lead to development (prediction) and progression (progression) of heart failure. The aim of the project is to prevent the development or progression of heart failure by introducing personalized patient care. The project started in March 2020, the last follow-up will be in 2028. Study team Project leader: Hannah Wernicke Studienteam: Karolina Kupska, Codruta Popescu, Michael Freese. Tiffany Pequignot
Prof. Christian Müller
Prof. MIchael Kühne
Prof. Stefan Osswald